Working from home

It’s May 18th 2020, and i’m working from home. That shouldn’t raise eyebrows because i’m an IT guy, and in IT it’s pretty common to work from home when it’s convenient. But this is already my 10th week working home… 10th week straight.

We are all living in some extraordinary times these days. Days, weeks and months that will go into history as a one-of-a-kind period in human history. Covid-19 or Corona hijacked our entire civilization. Entire cities are ghost-towns, offices are empty and all kinds of wild measures are implemented everywhere.

For me it’s also a weird, confusing and sometimes scary period in time. What will happen to the people around you? Will they get sick or lose their job? And what about my own health, am i in danger?
Well i’m trying to stay positive and because i’m working in IT i can call myself very lucky, i’m able to work from home pretty fine and i have a nice home office in the house where i can spend my working-hours.

Stuff changed; Stand-ups are now virtual, meeting co-workers is a challenge because of all the measures and our office is also empty for most of the time. I’m super happy that i work for an employer that takes all the measures and advice from the government strict and really does everything in their power to keep us connected to homebase (the office) and to each other.

I’m also positive because measures are getting relaxed a bit, and i’m allowed to go back to our office again from next week on. Two days a week, and we are with no more then 15 people in our office, distance enough and the office is well prepared.

If you are reading this and you are not feeling this positive or if you are unable to do your job i just want to say 1 thing that really helped me : It’s okay to not feel okay. Allow the negative feelings and give in a bit, be kind to yourself. Take enough rest, don’t force yourself in to things that don’t feel okay. I can guarantee that this will help you in getting back the positive flow.

For now, #StaySafe, #StayHome and let’s #StayConnected through my blog.

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